Batch Upload from Spreadsheet

Effortlessly process batches of data using a standard Excel file with minimal public inputs. Your proprietary information remains secure and confidential, ensuring your organization’s data stays protected from external access.

Completed Customer Files in Seconds

Revolutio retrieves certified data within seconds, delivering fully consolidated and traceable client files, regardless of jurisdiction or language. Gain immediate access to complete, reliable information that meets your compliance needs.

Ready-to-Use Customisable Outputs

Revolutio smoothly blends with your current digital interfaces, providing standardised data responses minus the necessity for duplicate entry. For processes that are more hands-on, Revolutio renders personalised results and graphical insights, guaranteeing third-party information about your clients is instantly prepared for utilisation.

No databasing. Only LIVE Data.

No databasing.
Only LIVE Data.

No cloud / No on-prem. Yet, YOURS only.

No cloud / No on-prem.
Yet, YOURS only.

Not hours or even minutes. SECONDS.

Not hours or even minutes.

So, how do we do it?

Book your demo TODAY

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